Monday, July 7, 2008

Carly needs your prayers!

So, I'm finding that I'm becoming addicted to blogging and reading other friends/families blogs.....What? "Did someone say Lindsey is starting to like to write?" HaHa! I know, but its true. I am actually starting to enjoy writing/blogging. LOL!!! For those of you who dont have a blog, get one. I miss so may of you and would love to read about your lives and see pics of your family! So take the plunge, get a blog!!! Ok, the reason I'm blogging......

Last night was a hard night. Carly, who had her tonsils and adenoids out mid last week is having a really hard time recovering. She was up a huge majority of the night crying. My little angel was in so much pain. She wont eat, hardly drinks and we are having trouble getting the meds down her. I think we need more prayers for healing. It is so hard to see your baby suffer. I cant wait for her to feel better. So, please say a little prayer for her.....we want her to get well soon!

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